
Faith Statement

“Holy Spirit Academy is a Catholic high school which operates under the authority of the Catholic Church and abides by the faith and morals affirmed by the Magisterium. Accordingly, the school upholds the dignity of the human person as revealed in Sacred Scripture and Magisterial teaching, created in the image and likeness of God, as man and woman. As a Catholic school of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, we also abide by the archdiocese’s expectations for credible witness to the ministry of Catholic education. Faculty and staff of Holy Spirit Academy testify to this by making an annual Oath of Fidelity to the Magisterium. Holy Spirit Academy’s mission, educational philosophy, and statement of faith are grounded in the Catholic Church’s foundational teachings on Catholic education.”

Daily Faith Life at Holy Spirit Academy

  • Each day begins with the Morning Offering and Morning Prayer (Lauds) from the Liturgy of the Hours .
  • Students, Faculty and Staff attend Mass Wednesday through Friday, as well as on Holy Days of Obligation, in the Church of St. Henry.
  • Each class begins with the prayer, Come Holy Spirit, and ends with the Glory Be.
  • The Angelus, or the Regina Caeli during the Easter Season, is prayed before lunch.
  • An opportunity to make a quiet Examen is offered to students at the end of each day in the Church of St. Henry.
  • Confessions are available on First Fridays and at various times during the Advent and Lenten seasons.
  • Feasts and saint’s days of the Liturgical Year are celebrated with both prayer and festivities where appropriate.
  • To facilitate vocational discernment, male students are enrolled as altar servers and serve periodically throughout the year.
  • All students are encouraged to serve as lectors at Mass.
  • Men’s and Women’s groups meet regularly to discuss, listen, have fun, and pray together.

Special Occasions

  • ‘In house’ Advent and Lenten retreats are offered to students to prepare for these penitential seasons.
  • Two ‘away’ retreats are offered: Our Lady of the Rosary Retreat in the fall and St. Joseph the Worker Retreat in the spring.
  • The HSA Community is invited to participate in a Eucharistic Procession at the beginning of the year after the Opening Mass.
  • A Commencement Mass is offered at the end of the school year.
  • The wider Catholic Community is invited to participate in HSA’s yearly Encounter the Holy Spirit Retreat.
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