Headmaster Welcome

“…We must train the whole man, not only his intellect, but also his will. Secondly, we must get back to the only subject that there is in all the world that can give us peace and that is Christ …Thirdly, you will have an education that will bring to us the rich heritage of the past.”

Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen, April 25th, 1970, Speech to Educators

Dear Prospective Families and Students,

Thank you for your interest in Holy Spirit Academy! We are a co-ed Catholic High School located in Monticello, MN on St. Henry’s Catholic Church campus. Allow me to briefly introduce Holy Spirit Academy’s educational philosophy by reflecting on Venerable Sheen’s remarks quoted above, as he is our Academy’s patron.

Venerable Sheen first teaches that true education does not merely form the mind, but also the heart, forming the moral and intellectual virtues in students. Secondly, Catholic Education is centered on the teaching of Jesus Christ, who brings peace. For HSA, “peace” is understood in the Augustinian way as “the tranquility of order.” In accepting revelation as the ordering principle of education, HSA establishes an integrated program of studies. Third, HSA explores “the rich heritage of the past.” By reading many of the greatest works of Western thought, the highest ideas of Christendom form our minds, community, and culture.

HSA continues to cultivate students of integrity, possessing the formation to flourish in their vocations. We are extremely proud of our seven years of alumni who have gone on to pursue studies in many outstanding Catholic and secular colleges, work in the trades and other professions, and have started families.

HSA also offers an exciting extracurricular opportunity for students: Our co-op with Maple Lake Public School to offer a wide range of sports; our Drama Program has outstanding participation; we have active leadership opportunities in our Student Council, Pro-Life Club, and much more. If you are just learning about Holy Spirit Academy, I encourage you to call Holy Spirit Academy and schedule a visit.

Venerable Sheen, Pray for us! Veni Sancte Spiritus!

In Christ,

Andrew M. Lang


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